Saturday 5 April 2014

It Was A Dark And Stormy Night - Guest Post By The Purl-ice

It was a dark and stormy night in Peterborough. Rain thrashed the grounds of the strike zone. Most sane people in the city had long since headed for cover from Mother Nature's fury.

Quietly, shadows began to stir and stealthy feet flitted across grass, ice, puddles and mud. It may have been too cold for normal mortals, but not those swathed in knitted comfort. Not for the Kninjas.

They crept, leapt and slid across the battle ground. Heard only were the SCHWINGs of darning needles and the low flutter of tags in the breeze.

It didn't last long. But the fun never does. The last light left the sky. The rain slowed. The shadow masters slipped back into the shadows. All that was left were the stitched tags of the Kninjas.

Until next time.

Stay Calm and Cast On.

The Purl-ice.

Picture Additions By KnitMama (just to give you a tiny glimpse):

1 comment:

  1. This is a very different flavour than how I write my posts.... I love it! Thanks for contributing! It was such a fun night out!
